Academic-Based Clubs

SOA Outreach

SoA Outreach comprises a core pool of exemplary SoA students who support the school in reaching out to prospective students and various external stakeholders. Prospective students refer to students from Junior Colleges, Polytechnics, International Baccalaureate and other institutions. The club aims to establish an inclusive community that builds on the personal development of SoA students through various outreach programmes.
In order to bridge the gap between SoA and prospective students, SoA Outreach strives to develop SoA students as leaders and confident speakers who are capable of advising prospective students about life as a SoA undergraduate. Interested students are invited to serve in the capacity of an executive committee or an associate.
The club emphasises the importance of connecting with former juniors from our students’ alma mater through various events targeted towards prospective students as listed below:
1. Student Outreach Programmes (Throughout the semester)
Various outreach events at the various tertiary institutions to help prospective students find out more about the SMU School of Accountancy
2. Accounting Stimulus (Every March)
1 day camp for JC/IB students to learn more about Accountancy in a fun and interactive manner
3. Accounting Challenge (Every March)
Accounting competition for Polytechnic students
4. Mind the GAAP (Every June)
2 day accounting camp to play accounting related games and partake in a business case challenge
To be an associate, you can indicate your interest during VIVACE or Associates Recruitment.
To be part of the Executive Committee, an interview is required.
"SoA Outreach has given me the opportunity to meet and interact with like-minded peers, plan and organise meaningful events for prospective students, hone my critical thinking and leadership skills and network with industry sponsors like Deloitte and ICAEW to plan my future career."
- Kay Boon Yang Jenzen, President, School of Accountancy Year 3
"Through our various events during the year, SoA Outreach gave me the opportunity to reach out to prospective students, allowing me to share my experiences in SMU Accountancy with them."
- Peh Shi Ying Angel, Vice President, School of Accountancy Year 3
Only students from School of Accountancy are able to join.
Any student from School of Accountancy, regardless of prior academic inclinations, are welcome to sign up.
EXCO members take on a more involved role by organising key events and actively support SoA Outreach. Associates have the opportunity to partake in all of SoA Outreach’s events on a voluntary basis.
The departments we have are: Programmes, Marketing, Operations & Logistics, Welfare & Safety, and Human Resources.
Similar to many other clubs, commitment intensity gradually increases, shifting from Semester 1 to Semester 2. Semester 1 basically involves team orientation and event planning while Semester 2 calls for execution of events and planning.