Academic-Based Clubs

SMU Financial Advisory and Compliance Team (FACT)

SMU FACT seeks to provide the SMU Dean of Students with an avenue to monitor the compliance of SMU Student Bodies with the adopted financial and operational guidelines. Through this, we also aim to advise and provide recommendations on potential ways to improve the current standards of the financial and operational management of Student Bodies as well as provide a positive learning experience for our members in audit and compliance, which is in line with the Mission and Vision of SMU and the SMU Student Association.
Besides the performance of compliance audit on SMU Student Bodies, SMU FACT also works closely with our external stakeholders such ICAEW and Big Four accounting firms to organize competitions, workshops, and conduct industry visits that would benefit, and enhance the knowledge of SMU students.
Ultimately, SMU FACT holds the highest standards to ensure continuous improvement of the compliance of financial and operational guidelines. To achieve this, we believe and strive to provide a quality solution that adds value to the school, students, and our stakeholders.
Day | TBC |
Time |
General meeting conducted monthly *Depending on the meeting agenda and needs, additional meetings might be conducted during the audit period. |
Venue | SMU Seminar Room / Classroom / Zoom |
- University Student Life Award 2022
Students have to go through an interview that will be conducted by the respective EXCO members (Audit/External Relations).
"As a SoA freshman with no prior background in accounting, SMU FACT was the perfect opportunity for me to gain first-hand experience and insight into the various audit processes. It was definitely challenging at first, but our seniors have been extremely supportive in helping us acquire the relevant skills."
"Being the Vice President (External Relations) of FACT, I did learnt a lot for the past 2 years. For External Relations, we have co-organised SMU FACT-ICAEW Accounting and Business Case Challenge with ICAEW. It was a fruitful experience as I get to liaise with ICAEW and other stakeholders. The Case Challenge has over 200 participants across all universities in Singapore. It will be an unforgettable memory with FACT. Do join SMU FACT External Relations Team to explore new challenges that you never thought it would be possible."
- Jermaine, Y3 BBM
Our meetings are held either physically or online, depending on the meeting agenda and the safe distancing measures at that point of time.
Yes definitely! We will hold biweekly trainings before the start of the auditing process for student clubs.
No, but it is good to have! What we are looking out for is the learning attitude of our members.
Unlike other CCAs, the answer is no. We will stop all CCA activities during project/submission weeks, study and finals weeks.
We will have the sign up link on Vivace and if you miss that, do look out for our emails during first two weeks of school!